Posts Tagged ‘equality’

The 99% matter – a new dedication to government by all the people entwined in equality, ruled by justice, and radiating respect and tolerance

October 18, 2015

239 years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the propositions that ALL PEOPLES ARE CREATED EQUAL AND CAN CONTINUALLY MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER UNITED IN PEACE.

Now we are engaged in a great inequality, racial, religious, and cultural war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are committed in unity to remember those we have lost, who have suffered, and are still suffering, so far in this continuing war for equality, justice, respect, and tolerance . We today rededicate our fight to uphold our original cause for which this nation was founded – equality of all peoples and justice for all, as a remembrance for those who thus far gave their lives, have suffered, or are still suffering that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not remember them– we can not thank them — we can not re-dedicate ourselves to this cause. The brave men and women, living and dead, who have struggled for the cause, and are still struggling have enshrined this cause in the fabric of our nation, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say today, but it can never forget what they did and are doing for this great cause.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated now to the unfinished work which they who fought before have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be today dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead, wounded, and still suffering we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, sacrificed so much, or are still sacrificing — that we today highly resolve that these dead, wounded, and suffering shall not have died, been wounded, or suffer in vain — that this nation, under God and in harmony with nature, shall have a new birth of freedom, equality, justice, respect, and tolerance– and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, entwined in a commitment to equality, justice, respect, and tolerance, working towards world-wide non-violence  and cooperation shall not perish from the earth.

Linda Lorincz Shelton
October 18, 2015

Protest for Liberty, Justice and Against Government Corruption before We Lose It Completely

April 4, 2011

Do you want corporations and their corrupt government puppets or people to control the United States and make its laws? 

If you want to preserve and defend YOUR democracy go to:

What light is to the eyes,
what air is to the lungs,
what loves is to the heart,
liberty is to the soul of man.

          Robert G. Ingersoll

Our founding fathers fought for liberty in the Revolutionary War – at the Boston tea party and Concord and in the swamps around Charleston;

Our grandparents fought for liberty in WWI – in the trenches, on the sea, and on the Russian front;

Our parents fought for liberty in WWII and out of fear of communism in the Cold War –  on the beaches and hills of Guadalcanal, in the streets and on the bridges of Budapest, on the seas, and via the air over Berlin;

Our brothers, husbands, and friends fought out of fear of communism – during the Tet offensive, and in Saigon;

Our children and friends’ children are fighting to protect us from terrorism and for humanitarian reasons – in Iraq and in Afghanistan;

Our grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters, as well as countrymen protested and marched for liberty in the United States during the Civil Rights Movement – at Selma, Birmingham, and in Washington DC;

Our brothers and sisters stand up for liberty, opportunity, equality, and fairness daily regarding Health Care, Home Ownership, in the Courts, and at Work – in every town, in every prison, at every job, in every health facility, in every court, and at every rural crossroads.

In every struggle and battle and in every war, there are casualties. We accept them and do not run from the fight. That’s what it means to love others more than self, to treasure not just life, but also liberty, opportunity, equality, and justice.

The least I can do is stand up forcefully for liberty and its cousin justice at home, in memory and in honor of all those that came before, as well as for all those who come in the future!

We won’t retake it if we don’t fight. That’s what it means to love thy neighbor and one’s fellow men.

I’s rather go down standing up then grovel on my knees as a slave to the corrupt police, prosecutors, judges and politicians in America.

I will continue to expose the corrupt, enlighten the public through the Internet (our great equalizer), and challenge the corrupt.

Won’t you join me – for your children and grandchildren? Send me a comment and I’ll tell you how you can help.

Linda Lorincz Shelton, PhD, MD