Archive for June, 2009

MJ Death Avoidable?

June 26, 2009

Reports are coming out that MJ’s personal physician was with him when he died, shortly after taking a dose of Demerol, a narcotic painkiller. They also say his breathing slowed and then stopped. IF this is true, then his death should have been preventable with proper CPR, intubation, and the administration of the antidote to narcotic overdoses, Narcan. Yet the 911 call said that the doctor was “pumping” MJ (cardiac compressions? CPR?) on the bed. His doctor, a cardiologist would know that CPR must be done on a hard surface, not a bed. It is not clear if the CPR was done on the floor or bed.

Updates as of June 30 say his doctor was a cardiologist who found him in his room with a weak pulse, but was not involved in giving MJ injections of Demerol.  The autopsy picture with broken ribs and three shots of epinephrine into the heart suggest the cardiologist was skilled and aggressive at attempting the resuscitation. If he had already stopped breathing and his pulse was nearly gone, that is why the result was death. He was probably too far gone.

Something is not right with this picture, if it is true. First why was he taking Demerol at such a high dose he would go into respiratory failure (or in combination with other drugs that potentiate it – he is rumored to be addicted to Demerol and Oxycontin)? Second, why could a licensed physician, especially a cardiologist, not handle respiratory failure from an overdose?  Unless the one or more drugs he was addicted to caused his heart to be damaged and he went into cardiac arrest. If it was simply an overdose in the presence of a trained cardiologist, this is very troubling and if true will likely lead to criminal charges. Updates reveal MJ was addicted to Oxycontin (a potent narcotic) and Demerol (another narcotic).  The autopsy revealed MJ was severely cachetic (wasted from not eating) and probably this damaged his heart like in the condition anorexia nervosa. The autopsy revealed extensive needle marks on thighs, arms, etc. consistent with the addictions.

MJ destroyed himself, but could not have done this without the help of others. Enough is enough!  Elvis P., Nicole Smith, John Balucci, etc. etc.  The businesses involved with supermodels made a rule last year after many deaths from anorexia nervosa that supermodels could not go on runways or work if their weight was below a certain amount per height.  This  prevents the industry from enabling them to kill themselves through anorexia nervosa. We need to do the same thing in the entertainment industry. How many actors and actresses, singers, etc. have gone on stage exceedingly drunk, stoned, and high. Until the industry makes a rule that they will bar them from appearing on stage like this, bar them from performing when they are severely underweight, bar them from performing if they are heavily addicted, then we will continue to see such tragedies. The doctors and others who enable these poor troubled souls to do this to themselves should have severe punishments.

Also, if MJ was obsessive compulsive about doing everything perfectly and depressed about living in a bubble, why did his doctors not refer him to competent psychiatric help? Physicians failed him! 

There needs to be an investigation into overuse and inappropriate use of drugs by celebrities, as well as the conduct of their  physicians. It seems clear that a rich person can shop around and get any drug they want in any quantity. This has to be a crime. It has to be stopped or we will continue to lose people like Elvis Presley, Anna Nicole Smith, Michael Jackson, and many others.

Help Iranian People – Unite – Crush Corrupt Governments!

June 21, 2009

A giant leap is taking place in the evolution of the people’s power over corrupt governments. History progresses in leaps, not linearly. With the evolution of communication via the Internet, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc., we the people can now prevail. Please participate at home and abroad!

Iranians are asking for world help!  See the following: 

I denounce the Iranian election as a fraud. The word should be SOLIDARITY. Our color should be GREEN. Put out green ribbons on your homes. Fly green flags. Wear green clothes. Put your thoughts on Twitter, Facebook, and other social network sites and blogs. Protest and broadcast your protests from every corner of the earth. We must stand up to corruption not just at home, but world wide. Give all governments a message that the people will prevail.

Lives are on the line. Free will is on the line. This is an historic moment when like in our American Revolution the will of the people can overcome the dictates of corrupt governments and inaction of governments. Write your government officials and ask them to stand in SOLIDARITY with our Iranian brothers and sisters. Do NOT abandon our brothers and sisters in Iran like we abandoned our brothers and sisters in Hungary in 1956 or during episodes of genocide in Africa, Cambodia, and elsewhere. This history of looking the other way and not getting involved, once the people have spoken, must stop. Talk is cheap.

Then think about YOUR home. Stand in SOLIDARITY with those of us in Illinois that have put our names, our careers, our fortunes, and our futures on the line in fighting corruption in this oppressive state. Stand in SOLIDARITY with Dr. Linda Shelton, Mr Vernon Glass, Dr. Maisha Hamilton [Bennett] (presently languishing in Cook County Jail on a fraudulent conviction), Naomi Jennings and many others, who have been fraudulently indicted by the corrupt AG Lisa Madigan for daring to stand up for the people of the State of Illinois, in fighting denial of mental health care to persons on Medicaid, fighting patronage, fraud, and retaliation against whistle blowers like us. Help us obtain press coverage and legal aid. Don’t shut your ears, your eyes, and your mouth about these evils. Stand up and be counted!


Pray for peaceful revolution. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

“Then the Whole World Shall Go Blind” – Prison Reform

June 12, 2009



GUARD CCDOC June 10, 2009

Ive been reading article about the stabbing in div 9 on nbc5 the comment section was very interesting as to how people think about the jail system over all.people think the jail is there for re-hab and that it harden the criminals.The majority of the inmates lived in a sub standard life prior to coming to the jail.They only know violence as a tool to express themselfs.How is a jail responsible for getting people to live a normal.the problem start with the parent raising their child to have no regard for other people.the parent dont live normal to begin with.people think that when the parents fail the government to kick in.sorry to say this but having respect begins at a early age and blossums as the child gets older.just reading that article here about the store owner getting robbed and his son being cut and the store owner going to court only to find out that instead of being a victim he is considered a villian.the person who robbed him is only interested in going for a hair cut,the dentist,phone calls etc etc and the judge grants his it shows that the system is soft on offenders and shows the public how insentive they are to the victims


Dr SHELTON June 10, 2009

You have a warped point of view. Tell me how swearing at and degrading inmates, beating them until they die, denying them medication until their leg is amputated, being more violent and brutal than the inmates, passing contraband, and falsifying records will help rehabilitate anyone! The officers and staff need to clean up their act and stop covering up for the corrupt. The system is not soft on offenders. We incarcerate 40 X more people than any civilized country. Does this mean people in America are so much more dangerous and evil than people in the rest of the world, or does this mean we need major education, social, and prison reforms? I’d like to start with increasing educational requirements for officers and increasing civilian oversight at the jail, as well as putting incentives in society for education, jobs, and marriage.


GUARD CCDOC June 11, 2009

Your right linda what was i thinking i forgot most of the inmates coming into cook county jail are kind ,caring humans that are just misguided.Lets forget the the inmates living in cook county jail are responsible for some of the 800 killings in chicago.Lets forget the 28000 assaults committed by the cook county inmates.Lets forget the 2800 rapes committed in cook county.lets forget the 15000 robberies in cook county.see linda when you add it all up were does the victims come into play here linda.linda tell the mothers whos child was killed .she needs to have compassion for the suspect.the suspect was uneducated,he needs therapy.he doesnt know whats right or wrong.its not his fault.its the governments fault.Tell that shop owner he deserved to get robbed and his son deserved to be stabbed by that suspect.tell that guy the suspect is just about we train the inmates to not swear,hit, kick and any other assault against staff with cook county jail we have 40 times more crime because this government allows it in other countrys then lock people up and forget them.i bet we have the best treatment when it comes to abuse look up north korea see how they run there prison system then come leave a comment until they shut up


DR SHELTON June 11, 2009

Guard – You make my point in your lack of understanding. What about the murder of inmates by guards, rape of inmates by guards, 90 % of inmates being charged with NON-VIOLENT crimes, 5 times more mentally ill people being in jails/prisons than in all the mental facilities in the country added together, lack of prevention/treatment programs for addiction, lack of rehabilitation in prison (leading to a revolving door), more than 1/3 of inmates having serious UNTREATED mental illness, abuse of inmates with illegal drugging with Haldol and Ativan. I turned over affidavits from 40 inmates to the U.S. Attorney, documenting rape by guards, battery of a handcuffed 8 mo pregnant inmate by a guard, medical neglect so that an inmate is seizing on the floor for hours before being treated, death in cells because inmate was denied asthma meds. The vast majority of inmates are NOT violent in any way, just uneducated, mentally ill, addicted, or ACTUALLY INNOCENT (at least 7 % per national studies). You are a malicious sociopath if you think inmates are NOT human beings and should be treated worse than animals. Even the guilty should be treated humanely – there is no excuse to batter, abuse, drug, rape, denigrate, violate, or demean ANY inmate. If they are guilty they will be sentenced. Pre-trial summary sentencing and inhumane brutal punishment by corrupt guards must STOP!


GUARD CCDOC June 11, 2009

Linda what do you consider non-violent inmates.I never said inmates are not human.Inmates are treated as how they treat the staff and each other.Since when is it the jails responsiblity to re-hab inmates for pysch inmates.Since when is it the jails responsiblity to make a thug /drug pusher/rapist/murderer a and liberal people like you only look at it as a money maker.Ive never seen a protest outside the jail pretaining to inmate welfare.The community is only relieved that they are locked up and not outside thier homes killing /raping/robbing there neighbors.Linda you must live in a good area and arent subjected to thugs running around stealing ,robbing,and killing law abidding citizens.


DR SHELTON June 11, 2009

There is something called the United States Constitution. Any patriot will defend it, including defending a criminal’s right to access the courts (law library), right to humane medical care, right to food (including special diets when prescribed by a physician), including clothing appropriate for the weather, including protection against violence by inmates or guards. The constitution doesn’t say that if an inmates swears at the guard or tries to hit a guard that the guard has a right to swear back, hit, degrade, deny medication, etc. Guards are supposed to be professionals. I agree we shouldn’t be housing the mentally ill in jails or prisons unless they are dangerous. They should get treatment and not by uneducated guards hitting them and degrading them. I have lived and worked in all sorts of neighborhoods. I have done autopsies as a graduate student in forensic pathology on all sorts of horrendous cases. I have pronounced babies dead that were burned, boiled, beaten, and abused. My family has buried members from war and lost others to totalitarianism. You don’t know me at all. You make a lot of false assumptions. As long as you are not willing to come and sit and talk, you won’t understand what I am trying to do. My nephew is a State trooper. Another is a guard in a prison. I am trying to improve their working conditions and respect in the community. Corrupt, untrained, sociopathic, or brutal foul-mouthed officers harm their image, degrade their working environment, and sink our society into a black hole. This trend must be reversed.


Guard – Most of the officers would puke or pass out if they saw what I have seen, touched, and smelled. Several did when they came into the autopsy room. You are awful naive.


“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
M. Ghandhi


GUARD CCDOC June 11, 2009

Then the world shall go blind



GUARD CCDOC June 12, 2009


Officers arent suppose to perform re-hab on inmates that isnt thier job.I never said i wanted to be a doctor nor do i wish to know anything about being a doctor.However i know how to jail and believe that you havent even seen what goes on.You never been in a full blown riot were your stepping in 1 inch of blood on the floor knifes all over inmate still trying to kill each other.You never seen a officer get his head cracked open by the inmates.inmates putting officers on total disablity ending their career.No linda if a inmate comes at me and i fear for my life im going to do whatever i have to end his life.we all have families here.i have 23 years on this job,and i can assure you that if a inmate is hitting me im not going to think that he/she is just a pysch inmate or a poor person with issues and ill be his punching bag.its not happening sorry.linda you said you seen everything in a morgue.then you seen the end results of what inmates and criminals are able to do.thoses bodies in the morgue arent a threat to you they are dead.The inmates in cook county jail are alive and well and have no problem causing each other great bodily harm as well as harming staff.


DR SHELTON June 12, 2009

Guard – Sounds like you are one of the criminal sociopaths who should be retired. You don’t have a clue how to be a guard or how to handle violent or psychotic people other than to act like a maniac yourself. I feel sorry for you as a product of a corrupt and inadequate system that fails to educate you, train you in proper self defense techniques (both mental and physical) and fails to provide sufficient staff numbers, as well as jails too many people who should have gotten help up front with mental illness and addictions.

GUARD CCDOC June 12, 2009

Clearly you dont have a clue about my job either im still in my career.Are you in your career.arent you a CONVICTED FELON.i never took a penny from anyone . You know word ‘Fraud’ mean anything to you.You had such a rough life daddy pays for college.has a ease life becomes a doctor but still fails and becomes a ‘CONVICTED FELON’.Im sure mom and dad are very proud of you

DR SHELTON June 12, 2009

Guard – You know perfectly well I am a wrongfully convicted felon (conviction about to be overturned) because Sgt. Anthony Salemi Attacked me, falsified his records, committed perjury, and his “friends” like you are covering it up. Sgt. Salemi is going to jail – in due time. The FBI are already involved! You also know I was found NOT GUILTY of fraud, after corrupt AG Lisa Madigan brought fraudlent charges in retaliation for my whistle blower activities. She will be arrested too -in due time. The FBI has been provided all the necessary info including the list of properties she allegedly uses to launder the money from her criminal activities. You can’t win a debate with ad hominis attacks. It just shows how desperate you are to keep covering up Sgt. Salemi’s crimes.


GUARD CCDOC June 12, 2009

I think the FBI already has its hands full with their own prison system.Lisa Madigan is our next governor.Hey maybe she could use you as a poster child for why we need to improve our mental health issues.we could name you ‘doctors gone mad and bad’ .staring Linda


DR SHELTON June 12, 2009

Guard – Since you have nothing to say except for total false statements and defamation, you have revealed yourself as who you really are – an ignorant officer who needs to retire. Just remember that everything on this blog written about me in defamation is forwarded to the FBI. Conspiracy to violate rights under color of law is a crime and defamation is a tort (means you can be sued.)


GUARD CCODC June 14, 2009

Boy i could tell you are a ex inmate You all want to do is sue.Ok linda how much money do you want from me.How about i give you two choke sandwichs when you come in on the new again.Can we settle on that.Because we all know you will be back.


DR SHELTON June 12, 2009

Guard – You don’t have the guts to meet me face to face. You don’t have the nerve to stand up to corruption and turn in your fellow officers who are violating the law. Suits are useful. They force change when the corupt refuse to follow the law – like Sgt. Salemi and the criminals who are protecting him. Perhaps you are Sgt. Salemi!


GUARD CCDOC June 14, 2009

Linda i never started this with you i responded to ‘alledged victim’ called me untrained/uneducated/sociopath.Isnt that deflamation.You dont know me.Ive worked hard and long in the jail to understand what goes on.this jail is a big fat paycheck to the lawyer a and a small paycheck to the inmates.the liberals think that they did something good when i fact all they did was make some lawyer richer.the inmate get peanuts compare to what the lawyers make.i dont have and respect to lawyers or judges.the staff at cook county jail work hard and at the end of the day just want to go home to our families.Ive saved many inmates over the years and talked with many inmate to correct thier ways of living.I dont think its funnu when a 18 yr inmate comes from court and the judge sentences him to 100 yrs for murder.But on the flip side what about the person he killed and thier family.heres another thing you should know about me ive work with inner city kids that are headed in the wrong direction.The program has worked well many kids have been helped the to program that im tough talk and hard work to make them believe that there is a better life than gangbanging.ive lived in the getto and still live in the getto so when you make liberal rude comments to me your going to get in right back.when you lived in my shoes you would have a better outlook as i do i think about the inmate along with the victims.


DR SHELTON June 14, 2009

Guard – If you give a d** you will call me and work with me to change the system. Guards must participate in forcing change. Let’s go to the County Commissioners, the Governor, and the FBI together with a plan. You know how to get hold of me as your system has my phone number. You are anonymous on this blog so obviously I can’t get hold of you.


I think this conversation illustrates why hearings need to be made before a commission in the Congress regarding  prison/jail reform. The attitude that a person in jail or prison is a scumbag who should be squashed like a bug, has no human rights, no dignity, no civil rights, and should be thrown in the trash and a punching bag for every bully guard who has a beef – along with tortured and medically neglected at whim is now so entrenched in American culture that it will take a major re-education effort to train officers, improve our culture so that addicts and mentally ill are treated up front and don’t end up in jail/prison.

The religious concept of loving thine enemy, treating enemies with dignity and compassion, will replace our culture of brutality, hatred, torture, retaliation, and defamation only with great effort. Most inmates are released and brutality they experience in jail/prison will be magnified and used against society. Guards who degrade, defame, beat-up inmates, and treat inmates with disrespect as well as violate their civil rights contribute to violence in society as these now angry and vengful inmates are released.

We will not advance as a society. We will continue to destroy our economy as a prison society instead of putting our resources to better use (including the resource of human intellect and productivity – both guards and inmates) until the federal government takes on this issue in a big way.

I applaud Senator Webb in this task: See –