Posts Tagged ‘War’

United the Arab World wins; Divided they fall. Jordan stands as hopeful leader.

February 5, 2015

The arab world divided by clans, religious clashes between Sunni and Shiah Muslims, stressed by huge numbers of refugees, with incredible instability in countries with failing governments, with staggering income inequality and pockets of poverty, with strict difference in roles of women and men, must unite to stand or fall if they continue to remain divided, now is faced with one of the deadliest, most gruesome, and unacceptable situations in decades – the unholy and despicable Islamic State.

I condemn the atrocities against children, citizens in the Arab World, and captives – especially the recent burning of a Jordanian pilot – may his soul rest in peace and may God (Allah) bring mercy and comfort to those who have suffered and are suffering.

Jordan is a monarchy that respects the historical, religious, and cultural issues, and therefore should be supported by all and emulated by others. May God (Allah), as well as the words of the prophets bring wisdom and strength to his majesty King Abdullah II.

They still however, have not solved the problems of poverty and refugees, nor the religious differences. This Associated Press article explains this a bit – click here.

I urge King Abdullah II to stand as a leader of the Arab world by:

1) educating and explaining the clan system, its importance, and its necessity to the west, as well as the differences between Sunni and Shiah Muslims;

2) bring conferences between the Shiah and Sunni clans, as well as the Kurds and other minority religious groups, so that they can unite to fight the barbaric Islamic State and crush it;

3) bring conferences to unite about how to stamp out poverty, give their populations a better life and help the refugees;

4) bring conferences to unite about how best to elevate their societies through cooperation over science, resources, education, environmental issues, health issues, etc.; and

5) explain how he has moved his country slowly and respectfully toward greater democratic reforms, which are molded to and respectful of his culture, religion, and clan system.

In this way, the Arab World will be more peaceful, more prosperous, and more of a leader to the rest of the world.

Words of Wisdom – How we could stop the violence

February 5, 2012

Russia and China have made gravely poor choices in their vote in the United Nations yesterday concerning sanctions against Syria for their violence against their own people.  Russia is one of Syria’s biggest arms suppliers and of course if they sanction Syria or criticize them, this may threaten their trade in arms with Syria. China has a tradition of non-interference with the decisions of other governments concerning their own people. Syria is also a key hub in the century’s old silk road trading routes for China with the rest of the world. Though culturally and strategically correct for them for centuries and with great respect for their traditions and wisdom, I now call upon China to understand that the world has changed and that their traditional view of non-interference with other country’s internal affairs and their interest in preservation of their ancient trading hubs may no longer be wise. I call upon Russia to put the ethical issue of saving lives and discouraging regimes from killing their people at a higher level of importance than trade in arms.

This is an opportunity for both Russia and China to lead the world’s governments ethically, morally, and spiritually regarding treatment of their own people. They, by taking a stance against the Syrian brutality and massacre of their own people, could make a sea change in the direction that world governments choose. Sometimes great leaps are needed to achieve much needed change. This is a time for leadership and I call upon Russia and China to tap their tremendously valuable potential to lead. I lo0k forward to their future guidance on important issues.

War does more harm than good.  The U.N. should be given greater power to intervene and stop wars or violence against citizens of a country.

Violence against one’s own people is particularly abhorrent.

The veto of Russia and China regarding the violence in Syria are intolerable. I call upon them to rethink their stance.

The U.N. and individual countries should think outside the box and invent ways to force leaders to come up with  proposed solutions, then the people should be presented these proposals and should decide, either by direct vote or representative council that was elected by the people through direct vote.

Most people will have a hard time believing the fact that there are fewer conflicts today than at any time in history, and that in these conflicts, there are fewer casualties.  We no longer send thousands marching across mine fields or line them up facing each other and firing volleys of bullets and shells that rip apart flesh.

With creative thinking, dialogue and debate will be the method of solving conflicts in the future, and this will be policed and forced by a United World.  I treasure the thought that this day is possible in my lifetime.

Albert Einstein – one of the greatest scientists of our time, was also one of the wisest sages I know.

Albert Einstein’s words are very meaningful:

Heroism on command, senseless violence and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism – how passionately I hate them!

Our Answers to Our Problems – You Tell Me!

January 11, 2009

 What we can do is only limited by our will and our imagination. We must think out-of-the-box. We must work together and resolve our differences. We use a very small portion of our intellectual potential. Anything is possible when there is respect, cooperation, long-term vision, and love for our fellow man – no matter his condition or position in our lives. Nothing is set in concrete. The fundamental beauty of man is our adaptability and creativity. It is a pity that it is usually wasted in petty materialism, bias, totalitarian restrictions, and hatred built by centuries of defamation. Man does not evolve in small steps, but there are significant leaps. I believe strongly, we are about to make one. Join in our national discussion – send me your suggestions for solutions to problems of our times. For a discussion of health care problems see: