Archive for the ‘Communications’ Category

Private correctional contracts a disaster, costing excessive tax dollars, abusing detainees, incentive for excessive sentencing

November 18, 2014

Read the Sentencing Projects’s report: Dollars and Detainees: the Growth of For Profit Detention, and you will find confirmed that when profit is introduced into public services the result is increased costs, decreased quality, and cover-up of corruption.

“The companies with which ICE and USMS contract, including CCA and the GEO Group, are largely the same ones that have been criticized for their handling of prison operations. More importantly, these companies operate off of the same business models employed in prison privatization that have led to understaffing, negligence, and abuse.107, 108, 109 In addition to harming those housed in contract facilities, private prison companies fail to save taxpayers money, can have a deleterious financial effect on communities,110 and contribute to the continuation of America’s use of mass incarceration and detention.111, 112 These private companies operate within complex and sometimes opaque systems where public and private officials cannot clearly answer questions and where the private companies managing federal detainees are not subject to Freedom of Information requests.113”

The only solution is massive reform of our justice  system which today is an injustice system. Read about the Myth of American Justice as seen in Illinois at this blog and the links listed in it:

As a wrongfully convicted felon who was sentenced to 2 yrs in prison and 1 yr parole in 2007, I can tell you about abuse, as well as a totally dysfunctional parole system – READ THIS:

Illinois Department of Corrections Runs Sham Parole Operation – FBI Where are You?

Support ANONYMOUS – Stop Government Corruption!

January 26, 2013

I support ANONYMOUS in their actions against government corruption announced today. Read my announcement of my support with links to their video specifying how the Internet War against government corruption has begun.

Questions for Obama and America – Solutions for Change

January 4, 2009

I very much would like the public to engage in a debate on these suggestions – which are a beginning and food for thought – help me develop these ideas! Send a comment – by clicking comments at the end of the post.  I have sent all these questions to the Obama-Biden Transition team.



“Would you support a 28th Amendment proposed by famed author, advocate, marine biologist, public speaker, Riki Ott, who wrote the Book about the Exxon Valdez disaster consequences to end “corporate personhood”, and return the government to the people?”


“Will you hire/ appoint as advisors civil rights activists, dissidents, ex-cons especially someone who has been wrongfully convicted, whistle blowers, and others in the trenches and not just use professional politicians, lobbyists and political hacks?”




“Communications a new frontier – money wasted; no standardization of bills & records; difficult finding data; privacy & security concerns; elderly/disabled concerns; education concerns. Do you support new Cabinet position for Communications Secretary?”




“50% or so of health care dollars is spent on advertising. What will you do to stop this waste. Health care providers should be like the police and fire departments, a necessary public service that does not advertise.”


“Would you support a steeply progressive and very high tax on advertising of drugs to discourage this practice? This would quickly reduce the cost of drugs as presently 50 % of drug company budgets are advertising costs. Or would you ban advertising?”


“Whether to do Phase 3 clinical trials of new drugs is decided by drug companies – encourages excessive costs by testing unnecessary “me too”  drugs with no benefit. Would you support FDA taking over this decision analagous to IL hosp plan commission?”


“Our veterans in chronic pain are thrown narcotics in high doses making them nonfunctional addicts instead of treating pain properly with multiple modalities (TENS units, therapy, muscle relaxants, meditation). Will you help them reclaim their lives?”


“Medical care at Cook Co. Jail & IL prison system is so inadequate inmates have had their leg amputated for lack of antibiotics & prisoners who were disabled lay on the floor in diarrhea for days unable to obtain water/care. Will DOJ investigate?”


“In Illinois Atty Gen Lisa Madigan, several Governors, and their corrupt accomplices fraudulently deny mental health care to those on Medicaid and wrongfully prosecute health care providers who are trying to provide this service. Will you investigate?”





“Truth commissions worked in S Africa to encourage confession, transparency, healing, accountability, and reconciliation. Couldn’t they work in the U.S to save money, increase openness, and allow us to get beyond corruption and move on constructively?”





“AAG Patrick Fitzgerald doesn’t have half the manpower he needs to prosecute all the corruption in Illinois. Will you remedy this and make stamping out corruption a priority along with prosecuting felony civil rights violations?”






“Prosecution of felony civil rights violations – been stopped by Bush. Will you prosecute systemic intentional civil rights violations in prisons and jails that have led to death and loss of limb by intentional withholding of medical care and meds?”


“In Illinois 1 prison law librarian handles ALL requests from all 40,000 prisoners for legal research, legal documents, etc. This cannot be considered access to the courts. Will the DOJ investigate and prosecute such systemic civil rights violations?”





“Torture, medical neglect, abuse, denial of access to courts is routine in American prisons. What will you do to fix this and reduce the prison population which is 40 X greater than in any civilized country and is tearing down our economy?”


“Excess incarceration is killing our economy. Will you lead the battle to replace incarceration with restorative justice for non-violent offenses. Skilling should be working and  paying 99.9% of his salary to those he harmed!”



“Torture, medical neglect, forced drugging, withholding of medical diets, falsification of records by guards, beatings resulting in death is standard practice in US jails and prisons. Will you hold Congressional hearings on this topic to expose it?”


“Rural areas have attracted for profit prisons. The prison/industrial complex now employes 1/10 Americans. This is not productive – guards and prisoners don’t contribute to the economy – they suck the wind out of it. What will you do to fix this?”


“Brain surgeons go to medical school for 4 years then do internships and residencies to learn this skill for another 7 years. I don’t want a family doc doing brain surgery. Shouldn’t judges be required more education than 3 years of law school?”


“All sorts of roadblocks are put up to prevent pro se litigants from defending themselves and litigating in courts. Will you see that pro se manuals are written, judicial education is improved, and citizens can have access and fairness in the courts?”


“Judges are arrogant, incompetent, corrupt, and they routinely deny civil rights – right to self-representation, right to access courts, introduce evidence, etc. They abuse orders for fitness exams. Will you hold hearings and change this?”


“Corrupt politicians and police illegally use fraudulent charges of disorderly conduct, trespass, resisting arrest, etc., as retaliatory tools against whistle blowers and dissidents. Will you hold Congressional hearings on this and stop this practice?”





“US Atty Fitzgerald found systemic medical neglect and violence by guards against inmates at Cook Co. Jail. YET NO INDICTMENTS for this intentional battery resulting in many deaths have occurred. Will you prosecute these criminal officers/officials?”




“Japan preserves its crafts by funding “living national treasures” – top craftsmen and artists. They are given a govnt salary to maintain and teach their skill like swordmaking, flower arranging, Samari skills. Should we do this?”


Proposed New Cabinet Position – Secretary of Communications

December 23, 2008

Communications is the new frontier. Newspapers are being converted from print to internet. Huge amounts of money are wasted through lack of standardization, redundancy, and difficulty in querying and finding data. We need to standardize not just electronic medical records, to prevent duplicating services and errors, but also utility bills, credit card bills, contracts, court records, prison and jail records, government forms and records, and any communications which are fundamental, frequent, and subject to privacy and security concerns.

Elderly and disabled persons often have difficulty in the area of communications. Changing the format of utility bills causes a problem. Difficult to read credit card bills causes chaos. Incomprehensible contracts are a disaster. Difficult to read and fill-out forms deny access.

National security is highly dependent on communications – on the battle front, for homeland security, to prevent terrorist attacks, to prevent crime. However the privacy concerns are huge. Intelligence may sometimes compromise privacy. How do we balance these?

Information technology is poorly understood by most Americans. We need increased education in this area.

Mediation, debate, giving and following instructions, about almost anything are necessary skills in society. How can we increase our skills as a nation in this area?

            I feel a cabinet level position is warranted to help us move from the paper age to the digital age, just as we have moving from the agricultural age to the industrial age, and have entered the computer/internet age. Laws must be reviewed and new laws implemented regarding this new frontier. Careful thought must be given to implementing incentives that enhance are goals and principles. Communications in this new age cannot be without strings attached, just as one cannot shout “fire” in a movie theatre.


Please give your thoughts on this proposal through the comment feature of this blog.