Archive for the ‘Anonymous’ Category

Act in accord with ANONYMOUS – take up your personal responsibility!

January 26, 2013

Take on your personal reponsibility – Download,  share, produce, be free! – YOU ARE ANONYMOUS! Anonymous, the first true democracy has risen! Anonymous is true freedom! It is the force of the people on the Internet.  It cannot be stopped.  It was used in the Arab Spring.  It is a force for good.  It makes the world transparent.  It exposes corruption. If you use it, you are a force for good. Please put details of government corruption on the Internet! Let the peoople know!

On a commenter, AaronSw89691841 5pts, explained today about ANONYMOUS.  If you don’t understand the concept please read:

For links to videos about examples of ANONYMOUS actions click these links:

Anonymous – What is It?
Anonyous operation last resort – the beginning of the Internet War against government corruption and for freedom of information – started 1/26/13
Anonymous campaign against pedophile Internet site
Anonymous hack Syrian Pres. Assad’s emails
Anonymous Operation Egypt
Anonymous Operation Westburo Baptist Church
How Anonymous stopped Karl Rove from Stealing Ohio Again in 2011

“As there is much confusion and misunderstanding about what ANONYMOUS is and does exactly, we’d like to take this opportunity to elucidate our goals, ideology and ontological status.

First and foremost, it is important to realize that ANONYMOUS – in fact – does not exist.

ANONYMOUS is nothing but an idea, an internet meme, that can be appropriated by anyone, anytime to rally for a common cause that’s in the benefit of humankind.

This means anyone can launch a new ideological message or campaign under the banner of ANONYMOUS.

Anyone can take up a leading role in the spreading of the ANON-consciousness.

Whether or not these appropriations are legitimate is decided by the rest of the internet citizenry.

If the majority of the public agrees with a proposed appropriation, then the public will act.

If the majority of the public disagrees with a proposed appropriation, then the public will protest and label the message in question as not legitimate and thus not representing the values of ANONYMOUS.

This makes ANONYMOUS the first really democratic institution in the world, necessarily being good by definition.

This does not mean there can’t be ‘bad’ actions presented as coming from ANONYMOUS, but if the people do not agree with these actions, then these actions are – by definition – not undertaken by ANONYMOUS.

ANONYMOUS believes the only legitimate form of power is that power which rests on widespread public consent, and so there is not one person or group of people who can ever claim to be ANONYMOUS.

If you see someone talking about his or her membership and activity within ANONYMOUS – be sure this is a fraud.

ANONYMOUS does not exist, so one can only speak as ANONYMOUS in a depersonalized manner.

Yes – this means YOU are ANONYMOUS.

Take up your personal responsibility!

Download, share, produce – be free!

Because YOU are ANONYMOUS!

ANONYMOUS does exist!

Anonymous is for Freedom

We are Anonymous, We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”