Archive for the ‘Economic Collapse’ Category

Evidence that we in the U.S. live in a totalitarian police state

September 24, 2012

Americans brag about our “freedom”. Yet we have very little of it. Our founding fathers would turn over in their grave if they knew how our “democracy” has turned into an oligarchy where the public is just a bunch of ignorant happy slaves.

If you are ill, the decisions between you and your physician are over-ridden by the private for-profit insurance companies that waste half our healthcare dollars on increasing their profits for shareholders and corporate CEOs. Whether you obtain needed treatment depends on the OK from a pencil pushing poorly trained nurse reviewing your request for approval for treatment. Your dog gets more rational, loving care from you and your veterinarian than you get from the healthcare system.

If you run a business you will be subject to so many regulations that don’t make sense that your head will spin, so many forms you won’t be able to do any business as you’re spending so much time filling out the forms, and you’ll be in a constant state of worry that you may have missed compliance with some regulation and will end up with a huge fine for being “in violation.”

The cost before you even begin will be huge as you may have to get a license and pay through the teeth for courses and certification and more courses and re-certification even to apply nail polish to someone’s fingers.

From retirement to buying a house, to running a small business selling nail polish we are over-regulated, overtaxed and over-papered. The only way you can avoid this is if you are one of the 1 % who has the means to pay the bribes, find the loopholes, and make your own decisions.

We are at the mercy of our masters and our despotic kings behind the scenes. The Illinois legislature is run by a handful of people who decide who will put their names on bills and which bills will be passed. Who is elected president little matters. The 1% will control him/her.

Republican or Democrat, it doesn’t matter. The 1 % is a cabal of corruption that have figured out how to exploit our “democracy” and hide the exploitation from the happy ignorant masses.

We must restore our Constitution, bring up our education to a world-class level, and strengthen our checks and balances so that patronage and corruption no longer have the upper hand. Until then there is very little hope for the masses.

We have seen in recent years that the bursting of the housing bubble has allowed the 1% to scoop up much of the assets of the 99 % at record low prices making the 1% richer than ever and in control of more of our property and assets than ever. Tax rates for the 1% in the lst 50 years have dropped from 65 % to less than 20 %. The elite are consolidating their power and wealth.

Our country is a totalitarian police state run by a few rich people and multinational corporations, sort of like the King in Robinhood and the inherited Lordships. In Illinois the King is Former Gov. Jim Thompson (R) and his inherited Lordships are the Daleys (D), the Madigans (D), the Burkes (D), the Lipinskys(D), the relatives of former Sheriff Sheahan (D), the Beavers (D), the Jacksons (D), the Brosnahans (D), and many others.

You don’t get a judicial appointment or get elected as a judge unless you have the stamp of approval of Alderman Burke and have paid a $10,000 bribe to have your campaign signs printed and posted on the lawns of employees of the Secr. of State and Cook County Sheriff’s offices. You don’t get to be a supervisor in these offices unless you post signs and sell tickets to fundraising events. You don’t get contracts with Illinois, Cook County, or Chicago unless you pay a 15% bribe from the income you make from the contract to political funds such as “Friends of Madigan”. Then the money is laundered through phony foundations such as now defunct Save-A-Life foundation, through purchases of homes for $1 where they are then resold using under the table cash (like Lisa Madigan does with a dozen homes in Maricopa County, Arizona), etc. Judges ignore the law with impunity in Cook County and likely elsewhere. I have discovered the above facts from numerous anonymous inside sources.

You can’t keep your job with the Cook County Sheriff or other Cook Count agencies unless you donate 15% of your salary to the election campaign of your boss such as the Cook County Sheriff – this was told to me by correctional officers at Cook County Jail. There are myriad of ways to get you fired from phoney job evaluations to planting drugs in your car (several Chicago Police officers went to jail when drugs were planted in their cars). Unless the masses employed by the State stand up and turn in their supervisors to federal officers by squealing, this will never change.

The gullible masses are brainwashed and ruled by fear – and hate -blinded to their masters’ greed (Corporate CEOs & Multinational behind closed doors oligarchs)

I don’t believe this will change until we have a viable united party controlled by the PEOPLE/UNIONS voting in numbers > 80% of voters to balance the cabal of corruption that consists of BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats.

As long as:
1 – a few media magnets own ALL media & can transform the “news” media into mere tabloids with failure to educate that consuming only biased extremist one-sided #FakeFoxNews or equivalent & one-sided select social media➡ brainwashed thoughtless stupid policies & acts ,
2 – the government can keep our population stupid and uneducated,
3 – the public can be appeased to be like an audience watching gladiators on the news (Anthony trial, reality shows, etc),
4 – the public remains uninformed and willing to accept as “facts” anything fed to them like geese being force fed for foie gras production,
5 – the corrupt leaders can deal with dissidents by throwing them in jail on phoney charges or defaming them as mentally ill without an objection from the public or exposure on the media,
6 – the nation is turned into a prison nation (only jobs available as jobs have been shipped overseas),
7 – our rich are allowed to ship jobs overseas for their profit,
8 – and the rich 1% in this country can continue to get richer during the economic downturn due to the above,

there is no hope.

Top tax rates in the United States correlate with economic health

June 23, 2012

Top tax rates in the United States

Top tax rates in the United States

Top CDC officials indicted – involved in H1N1 flu and vaccine-autism link mis-information

October 28, 2011

Money rules in America and it has now corrupted our system from stem to stern.  Now there is clear-cut evidence in the highest levels of our healthy policy makers. Big business and multi-national corporations rule America, not the people. Those of us who speak up are quashed like a bug. See details about what happened to me here and here.

Not only have the percentage of ALL income in America, for the top 20%, in personal income group, increased from 20% to 60% in the last 30 years meaning that now 80 % of the population receives only 20 % of the income, but our officials who decide our country’s policies and give our population recommendations are being increasingly shown to be greedy, morally corrupted, and unreliable. See the facts here.

Trickle down doesn’t work. As taxes for the ultra-weathy have decreased from 63% to less than 20% (considering all the loopholes), the rich are getting richer and the ranks of the poor are rapidly increasing.

The rich are getting richer off the labor of the 80% of those of us who bust our butts. The middle class is disappearing. The rich are taking possession of our property as we lose it in foreclosure; as our children, elderly, and disabled lose their rights, parents, freedom, and property through corrupt divorce and probate courts – with the government becoming their guardian; and as the wealth of the 99% crashes, which will be further diminished as the dollar’s value crashes and the stock market falls because both have been artificially bubbled just like housing stock. The present rise in stock values is an illusion.  The fundamentals are not there to sustain it. Eventually there will be a much bigger correction than we have already seen.

See the details of the charges against CDC officials here.

Our healthcare system is corrupt.  Our criminal justice system is corrupt – view numerous blog posts here. Our financial system is corrupt. Our educational system is corrupt.

Wake up America.  It is time to act.  Contact your local Occupy Wall Street affiliate.  In Chicago Contact Occupy Chicago.

Occupy Chicago – Fight Corruption

October 9, 2011

Read about corruption in Chicago here (Crook County Courts and Judges), here (general Illinois Corruption), here (Crook County Sheriff deputies), here (Chicago FBI), and here (Chicago Federal 7th Circuit and District Courts).

Write your Senators and Congressmen and demand change in the law to take “personhood” away from corporations so they DON’T have more power than the people!

Demand that the rich pay their fair share!

Demand hearings to change the family and probate court system so that BILLIONS in Title IV-D Social Security funds are used to preserve families and support children, the elderly, and  the disabled instead of prolonging divorce cases by promoting argument and falsely villifying one  parent as “dangerous”, getting fraudulent orders of protection, in order to enrich court appoint counsel and counselors, as well as the corrupt court system; to care for the elderly instead of kidnapping them, abusing them, and stealing their estates when corrupt guardians make fraudulent presentations to the courts; and to protect the disabled instead of abusing them for profit. Read about how veterans are committing suicide after losing their families and being falsely villified here.

The judicial kidnapping of your own children under the color of law is like a repeated relentless rape

a part of you – being ripped from you and there is nothing you can do about it!!!

Sandra Padrone, judicially gagged mother of 4 children who have been kidnapped for 1 1/2 years – separated from the mother, under false pretenses.

18 veterans killing self daily, 90% new veterans divorced within 5 yrs, more die of suicide than of war, stop gov abuse

Demand hearings to change the justice system so that non-violent offenders don’t get long sentences and instead get public service saving billions in tax dollars and producing true rehabilitation. Stop retaliation against whistle blowers fraudulently charged with crimes they didn’t do to cover-up corruption of public officials.

“Then the Whole World Shall Go Blind” – Prison Reform

June 12, 2009



GUARD CCDOC June 10, 2009

Ive been reading article about the stabbing in div 9 on nbc5 the comment section was very interesting as to how people think about the jail system over all.people think the jail is there for re-hab and that it harden the criminals.The majority of the inmates lived in a sub standard life prior to coming to the jail.They only know violence as a tool to express themselfs.How is a jail responsible for getting people to live a normal.the problem start with the parent raising their child to have no regard for other people.the parent dont live normal to begin with.people think that when the parents fail the government to kick in.sorry to say this but having respect begins at a early age and blossums as the child gets older.just reading that article here about the store owner getting robbed and his son being cut and the store owner going to court only to find out that instead of being a victim he is considered a villian.the person who robbed him is only interested in going for a hair cut,the dentist,phone calls etc etc and the judge grants his it shows that the system is soft on offenders and shows the public how insentive they are to the victims


Dr SHELTON June 10, 2009

You have a warped point of view. Tell me how swearing at and degrading inmates, beating them until they die, denying them medication until their leg is amputated, being more violent and brutal than the inmates, passing contraband, and falsifying records will help rehabilitate anyone! The officers and staff need to clean up their act and stop covering up for the corrupt. The system is not soft on offenders. We incarcerate 40 X more people than any civilized country. Does this mean people in America are so much more dangerous and evil than people in the rest of the world, or does this mean we need major education, social, and prison reforms? I’d like to start with increasing educational requirements for officers and increasing civilian oversight at the jail, as well as putting incentives in society for education, jobs, and marriage.


GUARD CCDOC June 11, 2009

Your right linda what was i thinking i forgot most of the inmates coming into cook county jail are kind ,caring humans that are just misguided.Lets forget the the inmates living in cook county jail are responsible for some of the 800 killings in chicago.Lets forget the 28000 assaults committed by the cook county inmates.Lets forget the 2800 rapes committed in cook county.lets forget the 15000 robberies in cook county.see linda when you add it all up were does the victims come into play here linda.linda tell the mothers whos child was killed .she needs to have compassion for the suspect.the suspect was uneducated,he needs therapy.he doesnt know whats right or wrong.its not his fault.its the governments fault.Tell that shop owner he deserved to get robbed and his son deserved to be stabbed by that suspect.tell that guy the suspect is just about we train the inmates to not swear,hit, kick and any other assault against staff with cook county jail we have 40 times more crime because this government allows it in other countrys then lock people up and forget them.i bet we have the best treatment when it comes to abuse look up north korea see how they run there prison system then come leave a comment until they shut up


DR SHELTON June 11, 2009

Guard – You make my point in your lack of understanding. What about the murder of inmates by guards, rape of inmates by guards, 90 % of inmates being charged with NON-VIOLENT crimes, 5 times more mentally ill people being in jails/prisons than in all the mental facilities in the country added together, lack of prevention/treatment programs for addiction, lack of rehabilitation in prison (leading to a revolving door), more than 1/3 of inmates having serious UNTREATED mental illness, abuse of inmates with illegal drugging with Haldol and Ativan. I turned over affidavits from 40 inmates to the U.S. Attorney, documenting rape by guards, battery of a handcuffed 8 mo pregnant inmate by a guard, medical neglect so that an inmate is seizing on the floor for hours before being treated, death in cells because inmate was denied asthma meds. The vast majority of inmates are NOT violent in any way, just uneducated, mentally ill, addicted, or ACTUALLY INNOCENT (at least 7 % per national studies). You are a malicious sociopath if you think inmates are NOT human beings and should be treated worse than animals. Even the guilty should be treated humanely – there is no excuse to batter, abuse, drug, rape, denigrate, violate, or demean ANY inmate. If they are guilty they will be sentenced. Pre-trial summary sentencing and inhumane brutal punishment by corrupt guards must STOP!


GUARD CCDOC June 11, 2009

Linda what do you consider non-violent inmates.I never said inmates are not human.Inmates are treated as how they treat the staff and each other.Since when is it the jails responsiblity to re-hab inmates for pysch inmates.Since when is it the jails responsiblity to make a thug /drug pusher/rapist/murderer a and liberal people like you only look at it as a money maker.Ive never seen a protest outside the jail pretaining to inmate welfare.The community is only relieved that they are locked up and not outside thier homes killing /raping/robbing there neighbors.Linda you must live in a good area and arent subjected to thugs running around stealing ,robbing,and killing law abidding citizens.


DR SHELTON June 11, 2009

There is something called the United States Constitution. Any patriot will defend it, including defending a criminal’s right to access the courts (law library), right to humane medical care, right to food (including special diets when prescribed by a physician), including clothing appropriate for the weather, including protection against violence by inmates or guards. The constitution doesn’t say that if an inmates swears at the guard or tries to hit a guard that the guard has a right to swear back, hit, degrade, deny medication, etc. Guards are supposed to be professionals. I agree we shouldn’t be housing the mentally ill in jails or prisons unless they are dangerous. They should get treatment and not by uneducated guards hitting them and degrading them. I have lived and worked in all sorts of neighborhoods. I have done autopsies as a graduate student in forensic pathology on all sorts of horrendous cases. I have pronounced babies dead that were burned, boiled, beaten, and abused. My family has buried members from war and lost others to totalitarianism. You don’t know me at all. You make a lot of false assumptions. As long as you are not willing to come and sit and talk, you won’t understand what I am trying to do. My nephew is a State trooper. Another is a guard in a prison. I am trying to improve their working conditions and respect in the community. Corrupt, untrained, sociopathic, or brutal foul-mouthed officers harm their image, degrade their working environment, and sink our society into a black hole. This trend must be reversed.


Guard – Most of the officers would puke or pass out if they saw what I have seen, touched, and smelled. Several did when they came into the autopsy room. You are awful naive.


“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
M. Ghandhi


GUARD CCDOC June 11, 2009

Then the world shall go blind



GUARD CCDOC June 12, 2009


Officers arent suppose to perform re-hab on inmates that isnt thier job.I never said i wanted to be a doctor nor do i wish to know anything about being a doctor.However i know how to jail and believe that you havent even seen what goes on.You never been in a full blown riot were your stepping in 1 inch of blood on the floor knifes all over inmate still trying to kill each other.You never seen a officer get his head cracked open by the inmates.inmates putting officers on total disablity ending their career.No linda if a inmate comes at me and i fear for my life im going to do whatever i have to end his life.we all have families here.i have 23 years on this job,and i can assure you that if a inmate is hitting me im not going to think that he/she is just a pysch inmate or a poor person with issues and ill be his punching bag.its not happening sorry.linda you said you seen everything in a morgue.then you seen the end results of what inmates and criminals are able to do.thoses bodies in the morgue arent a threat to you they are dead.The inmates in cook county jail are alive and well and have no problem causing each other great bodily harm as well as harming staff.


DR SHELTON June 12, 2009

Guard – Sounds like you are one of the criminal sociopaths who should be retired. You don’t have a clue how to be a guard or how to handle violent or psychotic people other than to act like a maniac yourself. I feel sorry for you as a product of a corrupt and inadequate system that fails to educate you, train you in proper self defense techniques (both mental and physical) and fails to provide sufficient staff numbers, as well as jails too many people who should have gotten help up front with mental illness and addictions.

GUARD CCDOC June 12, 2009

Clearly you dont have a clue about my job either im still in my career.Are you in your career.arent you a CONVICTED FELON.i never took a penny from anyone . You know word ‘Fraud’ mean anything to you.You had such a rough life daddy pays for college.has a ease life becomes a doctor but still fails and becomes a ‘CONVICTED FELON’.Im sure mom and dad are very proud of you

DR SHELTON June 12, 2009

Guard – You know perfectly well I am a wrongfully convicted felon (conviction about to be overturned) because Sgt. Anthony Salemi Attacked me, falsified his records, committed perjury, and his “friends” like you are covering it up. Sgt. Salemi is going to jail – in due time. The FBI are already involved! You also know I was found NOT GUILTY of fraud, after corrupt AG Lisa Madigan brought fraudlent charges in retaliation for my whistle blower activities. She will be arrested too -in due time. The FBI has been provided all the necessary info including the list of properties she allegedly uses to launder the money from her criminal activities. You can’t win a debate with ad hominis attacks. It just shows how desperate you are to keep covering up Sgt. Salemi’s crimes.


GUARD CCDOC June 12, 2009

I think the FBI already has its hands full with their own prison system.Lisa Madigan is our next governor.Hey maybe she could use you as a poster child for why we need to improve our mental health issues.we could name you ‘doctors gone mad and bad’ .staring Linda


DR SHELTON June 12, 2009

Guard – Since you have nothing to say except for total false statements and defamation, you have revealed yourself as who you really are – an ignorant officer who needs to retire. Just remember that everything on this blog written about me in defamation is forwarded to the FBI. Conspiracy to violate rights under color of law is a crime and defamation is a tort (means you can be sued.)


GUARD CCODC June 14, 2009

Boy i could tell you are a ex inmate You all want to do is sue.Ok linda how much money do you want from me.How about i give you two choke sandwichs when you come in on the new again.Can we settle on that.Because we all know you will be back.


DR SHELTON June 12, 2009

Guard – You don’t have the guts to meet me face to face. You don’t have the nerve to stand up to corruption and turn in your fellow officers who are violating the law. Suits are useful. They force change when the corupt refuse to follow the law – like Sgt. Salemi and the criminals who are protecting him. Perhaps you are Sgt. Salemi!


GUARD CCDOC June 14, 2009

Linda i never started this with you i responded to ‘alledged victim’ called me untrained/uneducated/sociopath.Isnt that deflamation.You dont know me.Ive worked hard and long in the jail to understand what goes on.this jail is a big fat paycheck to the lawyer a and a small paycheck to the inmates.the liberals think that they did something good when i fact all they did was make some lawyer richer.the inmate get peanuts compare to what the lawyers make.i dont have and respect to lawyers or judges.the staff at cook county jail work hard and at the end of the day just want to go home to our families.Ive saved many inmates over the years and talked with many inmate to correct thier ways of living.I dont think its funnu when a 18 yr inmate comes from court and the judge sentences him to 100 yrs for murder.But on the flip side what about the person he killed and thier family.heres another thing you should know about me ive work with inner city kids that are headed in the wrong direction.The program has worked well many kids have been helped the to program that im tough talk and hard work to make them believe that there is a better life than gangbanging.ive lived in the getto and still live in the getto so when you make liberal rude comments to me your going to get in right back.when you lived in my shoes you would have a better outlook as i do i think about the inmate along with the victims.


DR SHELTON June 14, 2009

Guard – If you give a d** you will call me and work with me to change the system. Guards must participate in forcing change. Let’s go to the County Commissioners, the Governor, and the FBI together with a plan. You know how to get hold of me as your system has my phone number. You are anonymous on this blog so obviously I can’t get hold of you.


I think this conversation illustrates why hearings need to be made before a commission in the Congress regarding  prison/jail reform. The attitude that a person in jail or prison is a scumbag who should be squashed like a bug, has no human rights, no dignity, no civil rights, and should be thrown in the trash and a punching bag for every bully guard who has a beef – along with tortured and medically neglected at whim is now so entrenched in American culture that it will take a major re-education effort to train officers, improve our culture so that addicts and mentally ill are treated up front and don’t end up in jail/prison.

The religious concept of loving thine enemy, treating enemies with dignity and compassion, will replace our culture of brutality, hatred, torture, retaliation, and defamation only with great effort. Most inmates are released and brutality they experience in jail/prison will be magnified and used against society. Guards who degrade, defame, beat-up inmates, and treat inmates with disrespect as well as violate their civil rights contribute to violence in society as these now angry and vengful inmates are released.

We will not advance as a society. We will continue to destroy our economy as a prison society instead of putting our resources to better use (including the resource of human intellect and productivity – both guards and inmates) until the federal government takes on this issue in a big way.

I applaud Senator Webb in this task: See –

Help Save Economy by Saving Billions with Judicial/Prison Reform – Stop Torture

March 12, 2009

In Illinois, a hotbed of government corruption, billions could be saved with judicial, prison, and jail reforms. More could be saved by eliminating the 10% kick-backs to political funds expected of all those who contract with the state and counties.

If we cut the 40,000 daily Illinois prison population in half I estimate Illinois could save 1.2 billion dollars per year. We would still be incarcerating 20 X more people per capita than any other civilized country.

For every decrease in 1000 inmates from its historic high of 10,000 daily inmates, Cook County Jail could save the county 18 million dollars. What purpose does it serve to incarcerate thousands of people for minimal non-violent crimes pre-trial who can’t afford to pay a $100 dollar bail bond? How do lengthy prison terms without rehabilitation help decrease crime and make productive citizens out of those with drug addiction and alcoholism? How does using prisons as mental health treatment facilities make our State safer? Do prisons and jails provide so much better mental health care than hospitals and clinics? Perhaps mental health care is simply NOT AVAILABLE in Illinois to those on Medicaid! See:

Also the grotesque torture, medical neglect, and brutality in Illinois jails and prisons could be reduced and true rehabilitation, along with better parole supervision, mental health treatment and drug addiction and alcoholism treatment provided with even a quarter of the resulting savings. I would estimate this would also have a MAJOR impact on reducing crime and increasing tax revenues from a larger number of productive citizens.

For more details see:

Dr Shelton found NOT GUILTY of Medicaid Vendor Fraud – Suit Against IL AG Lisa Madigan, Judge Alonso & Pantle & IL Medicaid Fraud Unit

February 27, 2009

I am now suing the sham Judges Pantle and Alonso, the sham prosecutor IL AG Lisa Madigan and incompetent and corrupt members of the IL Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, Inv. Reibel, Patrick Keenan and others for malicious prosecution, wrongful arrest, wrongful incarceration, and conspiracy to violate civil rights under color of law [in retaliation of me as a whistle blower]. See Federal case in the Northern District of Illinois, Federal District Court, 06 CV 4259, available at the court website called “Pacer”. Anyone can sign up for free, but documents costs 0.08 cents a page to download.

The following is a letter to Special Agent Robert Grant, Director of FBI office in Chicago. Please write him and urge him to follow my suggestions!

Dir. Robert Grant
Chicago Office – FBI
2111 West Roosevelt Road
Chicago, IL 60608-1128
(312) 421-6700

After unconstitutional rulings by Circuit Court of Cook Co Judge Alonso that fixed my trial and made wrongful conviction certain unless there was jury nullification I didn’t show up for my State trial on Medicaid vendor fraud for which I am innocent. The jury made a finding of NOT GUILTY and Judge Alonso quashed the warrant for arrest on the basis of jumping bail and disobeying his orders because he said “what’s the point.” Now why don’t you read what I sent you and get the Cook County State’s attorney to arrest Itadel Shalabi and Nareman Taha for perjury [they are the ones who fabricated bills for Medicaid to get payment for patients they didn’t see] and indict Louise Moore of Data Medical Works for Medicaid fraud [she bills for her billing services for the last ten years by percentage (8 %) which amounts to fraud as you know] and also for forgery as she forged my name on a power of attorney form, blue cross/blue shield electronic partner trading agreement, and alternate payee agreement so that Moore could put my name as a doctor and my Medicaid provider number on the invoices sent to Medicaid for services not done and encounter forms fabricated by Shalabi and Taha, and then Shalabi and Taha who were partners of Vernon Glass the CEO , could sign checks to themselves when the money came into the business Right Frame of Mind & Associates. Why don’t you arrest MFCU Inv. Reibel for falsifying his records and take over all Medicaid Fraud investigations in IL before the dysfunctional MFCU mucks up any more. Vernon Glass is innocent too, yet he must also stand trial? I want to talk to you and give you all the evidence which I now have to prove the above. What’s wrong with you?

Read my blog: for more details.

As to the Sen. Burris issue what’s wrong with you. Read the following. Why aren’t you going after Lisa Madigan and other members of the real cabal of corruption in Illinois? As I told you, only a “Truth Commission” will really bring the light of day to corruption so it can no longer thrive. Why are you and the U.S. Attorney being so sloppy and ignoring your best witnesses such as Vernon Glass, Maisha Hamilton, me [Dr Linda Shelton] and so many others I can refer you too. The cabal have been destroying us as witnesses by falsely accusing us of crimes or defaming us with false accusation of mental illness. You and the U.S. Attorney are puppets of this cabal by your ignorance and actions ignoring us and feeding these false rumors.

Unbelievably, the jury was a group of well educated individuals who lived primarily in downtown Chicago. They saw through the lies of the prosecutor and the judge’s unconstitutional rulings and came back with a verdict of NOT GUILTY. Then the judge gave up, said “what’s the point” [of the arrest warrant he issued on 2-18-09 when I refused to come to the trial and disappeared”.] He then quashed the arrest warrant. So now I am home and I will pursue a suit for malicious prosecution, wrongful arrest, conspiracy to violate rights under color of law and violation of civil rights against the sham prosecutor IL Atty Gen Lisa Madigan who had no legal authority to usurp the powers of the State’s Attorney and indict or prosecute anyone. The Constitution and laws in Illinois specify that ONLY the State’s Attorney can decide charges, indict and prosecute most crimes. The AG is given authority by law to alone prosecute about 8 crimes such as gambling and environmental crimes. Medicaid vendor fraud is NOT one of them. The SA was never involved int his case. Since the IL AG had no jurisdiction, the court had no jurisdiction. Therefore, the prosecutor and the judge lose absolute immunity. Lack of jurisdiction is the only reason they lose immunity. So I have a suit in federal court now against IL AG Madigan, Judge Pantle, Judge Alonso, and the State Police personal at the IL Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. I wish the US Attorney would get involved as the IL MFCU is so sloppy at investigations that they arrest the wrong people, destroy evidence against the real criminals and allow themselves to be used as a weapon against whistle blowers for political benefit….

I am astonished that you have not interviewed Dr. Maisha Hamilton Bennett, who was wrongfully convicted of [Medicaid fraud, Naomi Jennings who was wrongfully convicted, me [Dr Linda Shelton] or Vernon Glass on the issue of wrongfully alleged Medicaid fraud in Illinois and the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the IL MFCU as well as the scheme by IL Government to deny mental health care to patients on Medicaid. This is a big economic issue as failure to treat mental health care increases crime, welfare costs, and Medicaid costs. You are contributing to economic failure by failing to properly deal with this issue! This is also an act of felony violation of civil rights and ADA violations by IL Government!


Linda Lorincz Shelton, Ph.D., M.D.
e-mail =

What’s Wrong with Government in America? The Basics!

December 2, 2008

Tickle down and charity doesn’t work to meet the needs of the people who can’t care for themselves. If it did then why do we have increasing problems with elderly, ill, disabled, abandoned children?

We have a huge problem with government corruption and waste of resources and money. In Illinois and C[r]ook County most contracts require a 10% kick-back (bribe)that goes into the political coffers of corrupt politicians. We have more politicians per capita than any other state.

We need small efficient and honest government. That would save probably 20% or more of the budget!

When we elect people who pledge to get rid of redundant government like many townships in Illinois, who stop the unmonitored hemorrhage of funds through schemes like purchasing cards, who tear down patronage hiring of incompetents and rip off artists, who consolidate redundant government agencies,and when we bring true compassion and sacrifice into our government offices, then we will have an advanced, small, efficient, honest, and truly compassionate government run by professionals and their elected leaders that meets the needs of its people without exploiting them as slaves.

Our Economic Crisis – Causes and Fixes

November 16, 2008

I believe the best analysis of the situation is by George Soros on Bill Moyers Journal on October 9, 2008.


Three of the things he says are very important:


The first has to do with the fact that for 25 years we have been consuming more than we were producing and living more and more on credit that evolved into virtual credit and then into noxious instruments that no longer reflected the true value of the items for which credit was given (houses etc).


1) “You see, for the last 25 years the world economy, the motor of the world economy that has been driving it was consumption by the American consumer who has been spending more than he has been saving, all right? Than he’s been producing. So that motor is now switched off. It’s finished. It’s run out of — can’t continue. You need a new motor. And we have a big problem. Global warming. It requires big investment. And that could be the motor of the world economy in the years to come. “


The second thing he points out is that the free market does not work without the invisible hand described by Adam Smith. You can’t let the fox (banks and wall street) watch the hen house (noxious instruments). Credit has had a disconnect with the true economy (actual goods and services) growing twice to three times as fast. All of a sudden (actually over time but quickly) the world has realized that their virtual money (credit and noxious instruments) have no clear relationship with actual goods (houses etc) and services in terms of value, and that the agencies evaluating the risk (whether the instruments are good or not) has made totally bogus judgments based on faulty assumptions (credit ratings like AAA).


2) “There was a failure of regulations because they couldn’t understand these new instruments. But they said, “Oh, well, the banks have very good risk management techniques. So we leave it to them to calculate their own risks.

And, you see, it wasn’t only in the housing market. There were all kinds of other financial instruments. So there was not just one bubble. I describe in my book there is the housing bubble. But this housing bubble, when that burst, it was only the detonator that exploded the bigger bubble, the super bubble.


Which is this 25 years of constant credit expansion using greater and greater leverage. The amount of credit in the economy has been growing at, I don’t know, I don’t know the exact figure, but maybe at least twice as fast as the economy itself. I think it’s more like three.


And now, suddenly, you have a contraction of credit. And it’s a sudden thing. And it’s a period of great wealth destruction. And that’s how these poor people in Texas suddenly find that their 401(k) is worthless. “

Finally he essentially says that unbridled greed which is fueled when there is a disconnect between actual value and virtual value (credit) ignores the interests of society and replaces self-interest must be controlled by the invisible hand.


3) “Actually, these market fundamentalists are making the same mistake as Marx did. You see, socialism would have worked very well if the rulers had the interests of the people really at heart. But they were pursuing their self-interests. Now, in the housing market, the people who originated the houses earned the fee.


And the people who then owned the mortgages their interests were not actually looked after by the agents that were selling them the mortgages. So you have a, what is called an agent principle problem in socialism. And you have the same agent principle problem in this free market fundamentalism. “


He also states something very disturbing – that Paulson doesn’t know what he is doing and it was obvious that the 700 billion bailout was useless at that time. He suggests that the first step is buying equity shares in banks – injecting capital at that point. Read the whole transcript and it makes a lot of sense. He should be Secretary of the Treasury.

Prison Industrial Complex Tearing Down Economy and Society

November 16, 2008

One in ten jobs in America are related to the prison industrial complex. We incarcerate 40 times more individuals than any civilized country and the same number of citizens as China which has five times our population.

This is a tremendous burden on our economy. We don’t produce saleable goods or increase the gross national product from our prison industry. Our tax base is eroded when all of these people don’t work. Huge health care costs, not paid for by those using it (the prisoners) increase the public expenses. Welfare and Medicaid expenditures are bloated by the needs of the families of the incarcerated who can no longer support them. Potentially productive workers for new high tech and energy industries are frozen in dead end jobs (correctional officers and employees), when they could be producing saleable goods and services while increasing our country’s productivity. Salvageable workers are thrown to the wind by ignoring and vastly underfunding drug and alcohol abuse treatment and mental health treatment.

Our 40 year experiment concerning being “tough on crime” has failed miserably. Ultimately we will be increasing the crime rate as angry, hostile, untrained prisoners, whose mental illness, addiction, and bad habits are ignored, are released into the population – as we reap the fruits of that which we sow. The ranks of those being released each year are growing exponentially as the steadily increasing numbers incarcerated are released – now about 600,000 persons a year.

I believe until:

  1. we take the profit out of the prison-industrial complex; 
  2.  increase transparency in contracting, juvenile justice, mental health care, training of officers and staff, and policy decisions;
  3. increase training for correctional officers and most importantly for parole officers (who have the toughest and most complex law enforcement job in the country);
  4. take corruption out of the system (particularly in Illinois where all contracts with the State require a 10% kickback or bribe, leading to hiring unqualified patronage workers as officials and officers of the prison system); 
  5. legalize marijuana and control it like tobacco or alcohol to free up law enforcement, prosecutors, and the courts to deal with more substantial crimes;and
  6. most importantly add rehabilitation into the prison system so that the prisoners who are released become productive citizens; as well as
  7. abolish the costly and useless death penalty, 

the system will remain hopeless broken and costly, helping to drive our economy into the ground.

For more information about corruption in the Illinois and Cook County prison/court systems see my blog: